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2022-07-26 | 14:00 - 16:00

the catch up + a vibe called tech presents the nike london grant initiative w/ matty chiabi and reset mh + ed

FEATURING:matty chiabi

for the 2nd installment with a vibe called tech & the nike london grant initiative we are hearing from ed and the amazing RESET MH.

RESET MH is a charity that provides mental health support to people of african-caribbean heritage through individual and group therapy. their mission is to reduce the stigma and raise awareness in black communities.

hosted by matty chiabi.


the catch up + present the nike london grant initiative w/ matty chiabi and elimu + lynette


the catch up + a vibe called tech presents the nike london grant initiative w/ matty chiabi and reset MH + ed


the catch up + a vibe called tech presents the nike london grant initiative w/ matty chiabi and caramel rock + faith
